Thursday, May 2, 2013

Story of my Life (Day 2)

You'd be surprised to learn that I know quite a bit about sign language.
And of course to my advantage I'm behind this computer so I can't show you, without doing some sort of video which I'm not smart enough to try.

By quite a bit, I mean I'm fluent enough to carry on lengthy conversations and I used to interpret my friends classes if her REAL interpreter were to be gone for the day. I mostly use English sign language, which means I sign most words we speak but I also know ASL (American sign language) which is more of an interpretation of words and can get very confusing if you don't use it every day.
It all started when I was 5, my mom got wind I would have a deaf girl in my class and wanted me to be able to communicate with her so she wouldn't feel left out.
My mom got a book, studied the best she could and taught me. I went into kindergarten knowing the alphabet only. My mother probably has no idea the impact she had on our lives by just taking time to teach me those 26 signs. What a blessing she is!
As time went on, my new friend taught me lots of new signs.
Unfortunately, she left our small school for most of elementary to be educated in a school with lots of other deaf or hard of hearing students. She came back in 6th grade and taught me even more. We became the very best of friends and I loved learning and being part of her world and enjoyed showing her things about our hearing world.  
I took two years of Deaf Education in College. Anyone else fluent in another language?
How cool is it to learn?

Purpose and Passion

What were you put on Earth for? Gosh, doesn't that seem like such a HUGE question. Like you could get it wrong..or spend ALL of your life doing what God DIDN'T have designed for you?

I've learned a new way of thinking. Do WHATEVER you're doing for GOD and you'll be doing what He put you here for. How great is that? In this season of your life.. do what you're doing with your whole heart, mind, and soul and do it for the glory of the Father.
Takes some of the pressure off doesn't it? So what if you didn't do what you thought you were called to do. There is time and purpose for everything and if you're living your life for God and with that in mind, then you're always in His will.

James 2:18 says "But someone will say, "you have faith, and I have works." Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works". (NKJV)
Sisters, have faith in all you do and let it show. He is with you in WHATEVER you do.. that is what you're here for. Live in it, relish the thought.
I may not know where I'm going tomorrow or what my life will be in 5 years, but I know if I put Christ in the center then it doesn't matter where I go because He is with me.

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Blog Every Day Challenge

I'm going to do it! I'm going to to blog every day in May (hopefully)! This is a little about my life.

I'm a mother of 2 crazy boys, wife to the sexiest man alive, sister to the most Christ loving person I know, and daughter to the hardest working parents. My passions are learning and giving. I feel like you can never do enough of either one. I grew up in a small town, normal like everyone else. When I became an adult my life durastically changed due to a tragedy that resulted in my faith being tested like I've never thought possible. I stood my ground and didn't waiver, even though choices changed my path..I ended up where God wanted me to be. I'm growing every day in my faith and learning to be the best mother and wife I can be. I have the weirdest eating habits of anyone I know, and I love teaching people about it.

Welcome to my life!

Pre- Book Review

I'm currently starting some new books.. thought I'd share with you all what I'm reading.
Let me know if you know of any great new reads, or if you're reading any of these!!

I just downloaded Jon Acuff's book Start, I'm only about a tenth of the way through and I can tell it's going to be fabulous. He works with the Dave Ramsey team and is totally hilarious and BRILLIANT! It's all about flipping the switch between an average life to an awesome life and the steps you take to get there. Not like an awesome future, but an awesome right now. Great concept, right?
I heard him speak at a new Dave Ramsey event in the fall, he's great really.
At the same time, I'm also reading his book Quitter..which is another great read about your dream job..and not quitting your current job before you get there.

Last but not least, Unglued by Lysa TerKeurst from Proverbs 31 Ministries. I'm over halfway through and I can tell you now this book is life changing. She's a mother whom seems to go through the exact things I do. Running around, kids screaming, and almost losing your ever loving mind. In the book she points out whether you're a stuffer of emotions or an exploder and how you deal with those things.  Trust me, you've got to read this if you're a lady who loves Christ.

What are your summer reads? Have any of you read these 3 books?

Oklahoma Women Bloggers